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Halloween 2000 at the Lemieux Manor

There's way too many people to list, but it was a great party- and everyone wore costumes!!

Halloween 2000- Ken and I dressed up as Barney and Betty Rubble from the Flintstones.

The Halloween 2000 costume contest winners:

1st Place- Matt as the "Catch of the Day" (Shannon was a fisherman)

2nd Place- Darius as the Pillsbury doughboy.  (Ginny was a chipmunk- get it?  Chip Monk!)

The gang at the Sulik's Halloween 1999 party.

Standing L-R: Keith (gladiator), Ken (Drew Carey), Marcie (Mimi Bobek), Darius, Dawn (pirate), Ginny, Tina (Charlie Brown) Front: Bill (pumpkin), John 

The gladiator and pirate dueling it out.

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Halloween 1999- Ken and I dressed up as Drew Carey and Mimi Bobek from The Drew Carey Show.  We used lots of padding to emulate these stars!

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Halloween 1998- Ken and I dressed as Killer Bees!  These costumes were fun to make.

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1998- Group Shot from the Minear's party, clockwise starting from the left:

Dave (President Clinton's Personal Advisor), Marcie, Keith (Mark McGwire), Becky (Old Lady), Tom (Old Man), Andy (was a fireman, but lost his costume early on!), Ken.

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Halloween 1997- We went with a current events theme- OJ Simpson and Nicole Brown.  By the end of the night my hair had turned green, and Ken's face was cracking and itching!  Ken's wig was bothering him, so he became a blond OJ!

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